The only lead generation agency
100% dedicaded to immigration leads
Let’s discuss immigration first.
3.6% of the world population already live in a different country than the one they were born in. That is 25% more than in 2000 and 57% more than in 1980.
This number will keep growing. Political instability, disagreement with government policies, better job opportunities...
Reasons to move are endless.
Actually: 16% of the population would like to live abroad if they could, according to the Gallup 2024 World Poll.
That's more than 900 millions people!
You may think: Great. More immigration, more clients! But there is a catch...
How do you get these clients?
Fourty years ago, moving abroad was hard. Companies had to incentivize their employees with all-inclusive expensive relocation packages.
But that has changed. With increased online communication, cheaper flights, it is no longer such a challenge to live abroad.
So companies easily find employees willing to relocate. They reduced their relocation budget. Employees are often left to figure out themselves the relocation process, including the visa.
This means human resources are no longer the main channel to consider to attract clients.
So... How can we help you?
What Leadsgems is NOT
First, let's clarify what we cannot do.
Leadsgems is not a classic advertising agency that does web design, programming, hosting, seo, paid marketing campaigns, content writing. The kind of jack-of-all-trades,master of none agency.
If you are looking for an agency to do everything, like your new website, we are not the right agency for you...
We will be happy to put you in touch with someone who can or recommend the best solutions to do it on your own.
But that's not us.
Leadsgems is focused on leads for immigration lawyers
Malcolm Gladwell coined the "10,000 hour rule" in 2008, stating 10,000 hours are needed to achieve true expertise.
I don't know if this is true
But I know that spreading too thin is not going to work.
That's why we do only two things: generating immmigration leads + helping you convert them into clients.
We generate leads and directly send to your mailbox or CRM, within one minute, so you can be the first to call them.
You do not have to create a website, design a landing page, create an advertising campaign, filter leads, validate phone numbers and emails, connect your CRM.
We do that for you.
We build (or buy) a portfolio of immigration brands that are focused on the different profiles of foreigners relocating abroad.
That's why I have been focused on online marketing for the last 8 years.
Why should we work together?
I let you check out this page that details our offer and decide.